
I didn’t watch him much but I’ll be one of the only ones to say on Kotaku that I am looking forward to him coming back. People are so quick to judge those in the public eye when they have never even come close to being in there shoes. Good for him that he worked things out with his wife. I’m not saying this because I

I see more people getting killed when a grenade pushes them into a wall rather than when it actually blows up close enough to them to kill them. Seeing it work in someones favor is a bit weird but still a broken game mechanic.

But did you read this article?

Custa is pretty nice. I like his stream as well. Probably doesn’t get as much coverage because he doesn’t put himself out there the same way xQc or Seagull does though.

Sometimes its like the people making the tweaks just dob’t play the game. I agree with making her vulnerable whether she is in Valkyrie or not. Reducing both her movement speed and a reduced Valkyrie time just doesn’t make sense.  

GTA online was ruined long before this. A good player could have swooped in with their harrier jet and killed them all the same. I feel most of the in game items should be limited to special missions and what not.

There is some really good stuff in here. Don’t know if the individual who uploaded this used all his own content or not because we saw some other pretty good cos-play this year. None of which it made it into this video.

If we are being fair, plenty of top-tier cosplay is on display at Blizz-Con and there was a good bit of that in here. Some of the best stuff from their show however wasn’t in this video.

No problem. I am not sure if I believe in a memory leak issue or not but mine used to crash every time I exited the game but never in game. Most people I know would only do that so the game would load faster though.

Many PC users still have to close the game out every few games to clear out cached data which seems to have something to do with game crashes. Literally was watching someone stream today on a very highend PC and his game crashed about 4 or 5 games in a row. Still won like 2 of them though.

I thought I lost mine one time in a similar manner but I had it in a case that is made of the same material as my backpack. It had sunk to the bottom and laid flat and when I ran my hand on the bottom it just felt like the bottom of the backpack. Found it after I just tipped it upside down and dumped everything out.

You missed Completely-Redesigned! Its like All-New I know but they love that one

I’m confused about who you think stopped. The white car that the Corolla got pushed into? Because they were still rolling at what looks like about 20mph in the video and probably had about 2 car lengths between them and the car in front.

I initially clicked on this article because I thought it was going to be about a collection of User names. Some of the ones in the pro scene are truly funny and some of them are just bad. You should do an article on that cause I just want to know what your thoughts are.

This is exactly my first thought. Guess we will be seeing this in Highlight Reel.

Seems you haven’t played Breath of the Wild. You would visit these fairies so that they could upgrade your equipment. Taken out of context or never have played the game I can kinda see how you would get that.

Literally the only reason people are bitching about this is because Blizzard has chosen to reward higher ranked players with additional points or credits of in game currency. Smurfing has literally been a thing in every game that had leader boards since I can remember and now its all of a sudden a problem that someone

I’m not to sure myself. Calvin seems to let accounts degrade and swap around using them. His rank 4 account can have up to 20 or 30 minutes wait times to queue for a match where one of his alts might only be queued for about 3 to 5 minutes.

Fuck off

Didn’t read any of that. Glad you wasted your time for me though. I feel special! ;)