Came to the comments for this and I am not disappointed, although the Doc has been doing this sense H1Z1. Would be cool if he changed the model to something similar to the one in PUBG though.
Came to the comments for this and I am not disappointed, although the Doc has been doing this sense H1Z1. Would be cool if he changed the model to something similar to the one in PUBG though.
Least it won’t be a guy hiding in tall grass....
Yeah I hate how they hype this stuff up. Still looks fun but as I sit here at work on a night shift and find someone playing it, I realize this scenario will not only never happen but most of the matches will be pretty one sided at the end.
I like how Norman Reedus didn’t even seem to know what was going on. He obviously did but it was pretty convincing he didn’t.
None of those prove your point. Rambling is all you are doing. Destiny and HoTs still reward you with randomized items although not from loot boxes. Doesn’t really count. Also Halo 5's rewards of skulls does nothing but add dynamic to the way the campaign plays so that doesn’t count either. You still really haven’t…
This might really pull me into the game. I saw a video where StoneMountain64 did a 50v50 in PUBG but its was more of a shirts versus skins cause that option doesn’t exist. Looks like tons of fun either way.
Every french man I have ever talked to had this kind of demeanor and enthusiasm, which is great. French women however are never pleasant.
I read your first sentence. Not going to read the rest. Don’t have time for it. I play OW, PUBG, Halo 5, Destiny 2, and Heroes of the Storm on a regular basis though. None of which I have ever wanted or expected to reward me with gear or cosmetic goodies from searching around levels in the game.
The video player you guys use is literally one of the worst viewing experiences ever. Glad the video wasn’t long so I am interested in seeing the rest
Ah, I was trying to figure out why his cosplay wasn’t quite doing it for me. Nail on the head.
I would invite you to name a few that are exclusively online multiplayer competitive then rather than saying “several of the most popular online games today.” There are no quest or secret rooms in Overwatch
I think what a lot of people are missing is that most of these teams were formed out of already existing eleague team such as Liquid, Cloud9, Optic Gaming and other similar ones. These locations are literally just where these teams are based out of in most cases.
Slow day I see. Roadhog is my usual go to when its time to do a little carrying. So much so I hate that I didn’t learn how to use him a long time ago. A good hook can take anyone down a notch.
I mean we are talking about a game that is exclusively multiplayer online. What you described hasn’t been seen much in the industry in 10 or more years. You want collectibles and gear that you discover or cheats then I recommend checking out some recent single player games.
Most of the teams were formed from already existing esports teams like Cloud9, Liquid, Fnatic and others. I am sure big teams like that will be selling OWL skins on there respective websites.
Overwatch still allows you to unlock pretty much anything you want if you play enough. That being said, buying a OWL skin supports the team that you buy it for in the same way buying apparel for any actual sports team does.
Most people just follow prominent players on certain teams. Loyalty to a team thats from your area or even your country doesn’t really exist in esports the way it does for normal sports.
I just want one that says, “Hey this is the way we intended this game to be played.” Halo did that with Heroic mode. You are the hero after all. Yes there is a normal mode but I choose to ignore that.
I honestly didn’t know GoW had a pro scene until I saw this on Twitch this weekend. It was after nearly every match though. They still hand out fines for dropping F bombs and N words during tournaments? I’m all for some good nature trash talk but that first clip you posted probably explains why there was no audio for…
I’m kind of at a loss for words. Half the crap they were doing you can’t even do in the actual game. This trailer is seriously ridiculous.