This comment pretty much sums up my thoughts on shipping. Most of it isn’t thought out very well and a very small amount of it actually makes any sense.
This comment pretty much sums up my thoughts on shipping. Most of it isn’t thought out very well and a very small amount of it actually makes any sense.
I like how I am opposite of your story. I played Super Mario 64 and Sunshine and haven’t played another Mario game since. Odyssey is just a really fun game to play. Glad I haven’t had to ever deal with timers.
I don’t buy any games that I absolutely want to play day 1 from Amazon. Last time I bought a big Triple A game that I wanted they missed delivery for a Tuesday and it got to my house on a Thursday. Complete screw up on there part.
Yeah competitive can be just as bad. Especially at lower ranks. I just played a match last night on Junkertown where my team got steamrolled all the way to 4 meters from the enemy team winning and me and the other two guys who were actually playing the game right kept them off the point for like 5 minutes. On our…
The simple fact that it was an all female tournament, as in males were not allowed to register seems to be the reason to mention it....
Are you suggesting thats what they did because we have known for a pretty long time Mario can control things with his hat...
I think Talion himself develops pretty well in Shadow of War but your right. No one else very compelling though. I just feel like I am babysitting all the other characters that show up.
I’m really hoping that their is a Switch version in the works.
My brain goes full on derp on me when I do this. I am 100% unable to play with the controllers discounted. I think its cause I can’t hold it well enough like that.
My take on the game is if your not building, then your not going to win. That means end game as well.
Boy, That escalated quickly...
I consider myself to have smaller hands for a guy and even I think the PS4 controller is small. Why did they need to make it smaller?
Shadow of War does all these right except for Number 6. The first one I picked up I backed out mid speech cause I thought it would keep playing and Celembrimbor actually commented on me not listening to the whole thing and my only thought was its not my fault. I just assumed!
Except thats not how it works. Orcs don’t get sloppy cause they win a lot. The game would just roll the dice and go, nope this Orc who is Arrow Proof, can’t be assassinated,combat master and Rapidly heals himself gets countered by an Orc 10 levels below him on the first strike and dies cause he gets stabbed in the…
I think one of the things that makes this game more interesting is how fast they fill back in. Maybe its how many more there are in this game but it seems like you really are going to want to dominate every one in an area.
I think only a few of the orcs were scripted. I killed most of the ones in the starting area and never ran into any like that.
I think I liked the old Mercy better. The new is making the team less dynamic and gameplay is just boring to me if not just tedious as hell because of all the Mercy rez going on. Also completely ruined my easy way to get loot boxes in 4v4. So frustrating to have he take a kill back every 30 seconds, especially when I…
I would just review the story on the first game and just play this one. The game play is almost exactly the same.
Definitely. Prepare to have to opt out of a fights or run. This game is so much more dynamic than the first one.
I think its too early to tell. The first Orc I killed as part of the story missions has come back twice now. I have no idea if its scripted or if it was just chance. That being said, stabbing them in the head is apparently not a way to make sure they are dead.