
I did the same thing on a recent replay. Opted for Nemesis mode in this game and I’m running from fights more often than I’d like to admit now. The RPG elements in this game such as leveling and weapons that do only certain amounts of damage really show in this game. Try fighting an Orc who is level 15 and your level

Except the problem with the old game is that pitting them up against each other never worked out quite right. I frequently had Orcs that were far superior to another get insta killed or just not last very long at all to one that was not only lower level but also had no notable Strengths. It seems like SoW has fixed

Nope. Its pre-loading on my PC right now. I bought this game 3 times (Xbox, PC, and then again on Xbox GOTY edition). Whatever grind there is I somehow doubt it’ll slow me down to much and you won’t see me buying a loot box either.

Jokes on the PS4 players! All that extra content you got, well screw you. We are making you start from scratch again anyway. Sincerely, Bungie  

I’m with you on this one. He might have actually got a few feels from it but he definitely exaggerated it.  

I will only except that as an Unofficial game of the Decade. Its still early access after all.

I’ll argue Halo 4 and 5 didn’t have good campaigns but the whole Halo Universe is much more than just the games. Also you could argue how they butchered the Halo Reach story even though it was told really well and was a good campaign. I hadn’t liked or played a Halo game as much as H5 since H2. I struggle to figure

Comparing your masturbation habits from when you were a child to video games isn’t exactly a great metaphor. I suppose you are pretty well off now that you have a wide variety of cars available to you to take to the track any weekend you please but for people like myself who can only afford to go to a circuit 3 or 4

I was under the impression every day was National Video Games day. Sounds way better to me.

A lot of those are just display boxes even the ones behind the glass case. I would know because I went to 5 different Walmarts one time and that was the case every time. Like someone else mentioned though. The bundles on the websites are the best way to get your hands on one.

You can catch streams on Twitch sometimes and they gather pretty hefty viewing numbers. One thing I like about it is its easy to follow even if you haven’t been into Pokemon in a long time.

You are really going to be struggling with money when you have to replace a fuel pump and even more if you have no idea how to do it.

I think that 300 mile range on the trucks should be good enough for most local deliveries. Plenty of room in the market for that

Wish I could get back into GTA online but the jets and homing missles and all that stuff ruins it for me. Some of this content looks really good.

This right here. I have split the controllers up a couple times just to mess around and its like my brain doesn’t get what to do anymore. Maybe because their isn’t enough to hold so they feel like they are constantly slipping out of my hand. That being said the OP has no clue what PC gaming is like. the separation of

Exactly describes my thoughts the first time I went for a swim in BOTW. Didn’t know what that green wheel was. Lol

What I don’t get is that the developers have previously stated that mario is like 5ft 10" tall but here he is like 3ft and I don’t get that. That being said Mario has never been depicted as being that tall as far as I can remember and if he were really that tall, then how tall would someone like Waluigi be or even

Whats weird about this is I know someone who was in Japan back in May that bought a Switch while walking around town with a group of students. Just saw it in the store and bought it. No long lines, just walked in.

Did this with my friends house back when forge first came out. Did the same thing with him. Loaded the map up and didn’t say anything. About 5 minutes go by and he pauses and goes. “Why does it feel like I have played this map before?”

Comparing apples and oranges. If he can get back on a bike this next year I really doubt we will see him in a top 5 spot. Give him another 2 years at least if he doesn’t hurt himself again and become the next Tray Canard.