That sounds like a great idea. Also would allow some students who might only be good at some phys-ed stuff a chance to get a really good grade at least one semester.
That sounds like a great idea. Also would allow some students who might only be good at some phys-ed stuff a chance to get a really good grade at least one semester.
Been vegan for three years (ovo-lakto vegetarian for ten before that) and I so hear you on the familiarity thing. It’s the main reason why there are all these fake meat products on the market, to let people cook dishes they have eaten half their lifes or longer, only vegan versions and it can be so important when it…
Guys who are way too into Game of Thrones.
Agreed 100%
Counter point: I’ve spent most of life playing sims 2 and now I have a career, got married and we built a house together.
The American government must really have thought Rocky is guilty if they couldn’t just wait for him to be released due to actual justice running its course.
Lol didn’t realize that was a joke. Far too many idiots who think american law applies internationally for it to be obvious, I think.
Yes I agree that is the most likely scenario.
there are no stand-your-ground-laws in Sweden, where the crime was committed. The law is pretty clear, you can only use as much violence as is absolutely needed, and only porportionate to the violence (or threat) you are receiving, if you want it to count as self-defence.
click-bait trumps accuracy I guess? Which has been true for most news on this matter (hey, most international media even left the court room after AR spoke in court yesterday, and some never even came back, and never heard the statements from the other two defendants, showing what their priorities were)
He’s not going to get 2 years. The prosecutor called for 6 months, but as he has been released, we are probably looking at time served, max, in case of a guilty verdict.
No. The bodyguard got physical first, resulting in the issue with the headphones. This is in the evidence, and testimony by the bodyguard.
Phrase people who have been in politics for a long time should learn how to say (and mean):
Using violence against harassment isn’t self-defence, that’s more like revenge.
News: Verdict on August 14th, but AR and the other two men do not have to remain in the remand prison until then, which suggests that a guilty verdict would not result in prison time for longer (or much longer) than they have already been remanded.
and after AR was done talking, most international media left the room, not thinking it relevant to their reporting to also listen to the other two defendants (whose stories all in some way, minor or major, contradict each other), and several of them did not come back in later either. Not sure what that says about the…
You know, I don’t know how to reply to you here, because I can’t tell if you mean that 800m-runners are a subset of humanity designed to be less competitive than the world at large (they’re pretty competitive), or if you’re talking about women (and I sincerely hope you did not just refer to 51% of the population as a…
Some people,who most likely have only taken part of the (limited) videos online are very quick to say it was self defence.
Doesn’t one of the big names in swimming have some kind of special thing with his arms, like the joints are different than “normal” (hate that word) people, allowing him to actually swim faster?
People stay behind bars in the US too. Poor people that is, who can’t pay for bail. Or hey, people who are denied bail for say, being deemed a flight risk.