Eddie Redmayne got a LOT of criticism for that movie.
Eddie Redmayne got a LOT of criticism for that movie.
I don’t even live in the US, this will never affect me, but even I’ve been thinking about this all day :(
peanut butter in hummus...
I’m not a man for starters, so no I am not a part of the majority of men who are abusive.
Thank you, that’s such a wonderful read! Gotta love mansplainers who just won’t give up.
The biggest problem are the men who shut up. Without them, the biggest assholes wouldn’t have an entire support system to lean on. These are the men who tell themselves that abusers are rare, and surely there must be more nice guys than bad guys. It’s convenient, because it means they get to go on believing that men…
I thought about her just a few days ago when a friend and me watched both The Haunting actually.
I want a fancy Le Creuset Tea Kettle and I would be interested in reading your review of it.
they make outlining easy, it’s simple to move scenes and chapters about without needing to copy/paste, they have all kinds of settings to help you keep track of things that matter to your story, character sheets, research folders etc, all in one program instead of in dozens of different files that need to be open at…
for some reason, the title made me think this post would contain suggestions or something, on what one should test in a test run.
b12 comes from bacteria, which humans used to get plenty of before we decided all dirt was bad. They give supplements to animals now who are also going b12 deficient due to less b12 in the earth and water, along with plenty of humans no matter what their diet is. so it’s not so much that we get it from animal…
Men du stavar inte 100% rätt
I want him to survive just long enough so that there are more instances of him being named “Bill Cosby, convicted rapist” on the internet, than there are of just his name.
For the X-files, the season 1 episode Ice. It shows enough of Mulder and Scully’s relationship to make you see more of it, it has a nice almost claustrophobic feel to it that is in a lot of episodes.
Never kill a boy on the first date (or something like that, I don’t remember what the exact title it). It introduces characters pretty well, it has good Cordelia, and it shows good sides of Buffy, as well as telling you about the main story arch in a way that might make someone want to keep watching it. Plus shows off…
There are supposedly plastics that could biodegrade though. But seriously, medical reasons is a reason for using single-use plastic items; all those straws used right now every day are not used for medical reasons. Limiting the number of plastic straws used by those who have a choice will make the environmental impact…
Isn’t it literally in the first book though, that Snape is horrible to everyone not in Slytherin, but that Harry is a special case who gets an extra level of hatred?
In Sweden, couples walk together down the aisle. I never got why the tradition of a woman needing to be walked down the aisle by one man and then handed off to another as if she was still a piece of property has survived even by progressive people.
I think with another wig, he could do a good Trump himself.
I wish I could give you more stars just to counteract all the anti-environmentalist comments on this post :(