Ian Ziering's Earring

Yup. It’s kind of the main reason we need her.

“I’m here, where are you?”~~~~K-Pop batsignal.

Male leads on shows are unlikable and insufferable all of the time. Far worse than Piper or Nancy. Neither raped a woman steps away from the dinner table her husband and his wife were at like Don Draper. Neither are serial murderers and also tediously boring like Dexter. Or homicidal drug kingpins like Walt White. Or

I know that Gilmore Girls had a race problem, and a food problem, and a monogamy problem

Holy shit. That was my fat ass grabbing shoes with my friend. Pic on the right, red bandanna. We were on a special mission for the Krewe of Muses, that fellow NOLA residents would fully comprehend.

Because a good chunk of the “this looks weird” aspect isn’t that it actually looks weird, it’s just that it looks different and you’re not used to it on your face.

I once spent a month in Buffalo ... I seem to remember it was a Tuesday!!

Oh man. I’d love to hear about your experiences with the game after you play it!

I was linked this comment and I should have know this had to do with an article about India. When it comes to India, Jez is the very worst. I’ve never seen such blatant racism from people calling themselves feminist unless it is toward India.

Jezebel has a huge race problem. I know a lot of the commenters here are very smug in their feminism and progressiveness, but I don’t see much of a difference between some of you and the commenters on Fox News. And I can at least excuse some of the Fox News people on the grounds that they’re uneducated and don’t know

Thank you, but I am not yet using it (although there are a few new things in my Amazon cart after this post!)

I love the beauty box posts just to find gold like this in the comments! Ordering now.

I use the same thing and I love it!

I know! I am loving it! My face has been breaking out horribly this summer and the pimples have been very slow to heal. I can't believe how quickly they are healing with snail mucus on them! I am a convert.

Those commercials, along with the special man (let her have it) are my childhood.

The past week has really seen a resurgence of M.I.A. In my hip hop dance class we danced to XR2 and, being the oldest person in the class by a decade, I was the only one who actually remembered the song because i bought the album IN A RECORD STORE 4 days before it’s actual release. god that album was so good.

I find that M.I.A. often means well in her message and wanting to explore injustice in India and Sri Lanka, but her lyrics and interviews often come across as nonsensical babbling. On occasion she’ll hit the mark with a poignant line about sexism, classism or racism, but more often than not she trails off into literal

Hey Matt (this is literally addressed to you, because you said you read the Jezebel comments, but it’s also addressed to everyone - so, most of us - trying to be an ally of another group):