I know the image above is just a render, but wasn’t it marketed as a single piece?
I know the image above is just a render, but wasn’t it marketed as a single piece?
I didn’t even have the sound on and it gave me a headache. This looks unbearably stupid. And can we stop it with the 5 second trailers for the trailers before the actual trailer?
So they took every good design idea they had with the Karma, and did it exactly wrong. This thing looks like garbage. And their theoretical battery tech sounds improbable.
Can someone please explain cultural appropriation to me, slowly and clearly, because I have no idea what it is and at this point I’m too afraid to ask.
Aaahhhhhh, the ironing is delicious. Are you Indian? If not, neither does your opinion.
Mistubishi Lancer. Is there even any other answer to this question?
All the Powerwall stuff is cool, but I just want this house!
They’re clouds, you racist!
I think it’s got a few good aspects; I like the grill/headlight treatment and the side sculpting is pretty neat. But it’s still a little too generic for my tastes.
Imma give this one a hell to the no, Graverobber
Am I the only one who thinks Split looks really good and mind-bogglingly stupid? I’ve been on board with the trailers until the “changing his body chemistry at will” crap.
You really have to have both, I mean come on...
You see, women have the uteruses which move around the body making them not be able to think smart. It’s a scientific fact that women can’t think as rationally as men can
Took me an embarrasingly long time to get that.
I like it!...more than the old one at least.
That’s... a reach. Like Mr. Fantastic levels of reach. First, they look nothing like dreadlocks. They’re more like braids or puffy ponytails (heh. heh.) There’s enough actual racism and problems POC face, please let’s not waste our energy worrying about a fake horse with braids.
He’s like the hot cousin of Roger Ailes.