I Brain You

I don’t know why people go to such lengths and into such detail responding when the president attacks them. Just shrug and say, “He lies. Constantly. Everyone knows this.”

Things Trump Doesn’t Know About:

Remember when Kanye was sane and said “George Bush doesn’t like black people?” And THIS is the president he pals around with?

Running them into the ground is now precisely the point. No rational owner attempting to actually run these sites in a way reasonably anticipated to result in medium- or long-term profitability would behave this way. The auto play ads are sapping goodwill and certainly driving readers away, or will soon. One of the

i contacted kinja weeks ago asking about this - someone emailed me back & asked for details, so i explained about the autoplaying vids.  never heard back.

Hey, let’s talk about how G/O media are such gutless scum that they took down all of the posts across the kinjaverse about how awful the autoplaying videos are and how to contact the ownership about it.

Nothing weird about the Deadspin post about autoplaying videos dissapearing.

This is some well timed sports sticking! Go Ray!

I’m saddened by the imminent firing of the great Ray Ratto.

Bless Ray Ratto.

and people talk shit about florida.

hey, at least we dont keep mitch mconnell in office.