I Brain You

I agree with you, but keep in mind Tulsa is very conservative for a city. It isn’t just the burbs, it’s all over.

These motherfuckers are always “waking up”, and yet, doing nothing about it other than voting for bigoted assholes.

If someone thought even for a second that the Pocahontas bullshit was funny, they’d very quickly be an ex-friend.

Good to know. I’m on the Warren train myself.

TPS is in such utter shambles. Even my high school, which was the pinnacle of public schools in the Tulsa area, is starting to show signs of being not that great.

Ok...I know that it isn’t the smartest thing to try to stop all of those shitheads from running away (because they’re right fucking there). But can’t people at least band together in large groups and stop them from getting away, so the police can at least arrest a few of them?

Implied? The 2010 remake gets the “implied” part out of the way.

So, being *misinformed* falls on the shoulders of the person who received the information?

Being from Tulsa, I seriously hope she campaigns there. I hope she campaigns in a lot of “republican strongholds” so they know she’s serious.

This post has minor scents of Tomato...

Life imitates art, nice.

I decided to watch that when it was on HBO Now, years after theatrical release. It is a really good movie.

“So yummy...”

ALEC was instrumental in that gradual degradation.

Why is that, though? Why are Democrats avoiding that subject? Why give the “free college” matter more attention than the fact that elementary through high school is complete shit across the board? I live maybe a mile away from a boarded-up school. Boarded up because the funding decreased...and decreased...and

I said *state*, you stupid, illiterate fuck. A city has little power in influencing state budgets. You should know that. Also, if I remember correctly, Illinois had a republican governor not long ago?

Oh, fuck off with the “how much is it going to cost?” horseshit.

Take your scientific facts and shove ‘em up your ass.

Two things have led to where we are:

Tell us what you do for a living.