R. J. MacAdequatelyPrepared

So should I skip season 1 and jump right in with season 2? This being an 80's sitcom, I'm assuming ep1 of season 2 will catch me up, but just thought I'd ask.

I mean, he's also an adult who stuck with his childhood nickname "Choo Choo," so I think we're safe to assume he wasn't too bright to begin with.

Suggestion: Downvote as you please but spare us the grandstanding.

"Excuse I for my skanking, give thanks and praise
Me toil part time at Jah Cold Stone Creamery"

Sewer mouths and gallons of human spit? I guess Malvo reads the AV Club comments…

Agreed on the flickering lights. I also think his mysterious disappearance from Lester's basement in the pilot was the first metaphysical hint surrounding his character.

This show is the granddaughter I always wanted but was afraid to buy online.

Agreed—I wouldn't expect anything full-on supernatural. His mysterious basement escape was strange, but potentially explainable. And the flickering bathroom lights would potentially be explainable on their own. But given what we know about the character and the attention to detail in this show, I think there's

Seven-and-a-half Helens agree…

Let's talk about the hospital bathroom lights flickering as Malvo kills the deputy. By my count that's the second (seemingly) metaphysical phenomenon we've seen occur around Malvo—the other being his inexplicable disappearance from Lester's basement. And I realize now that both instances took place as/just after he


"Cersei and Maergary control their own fates?"

"And yet there are those sketches of Philip and Elizabeth in disguise, presented to Jared, Emmett and Leanne’s surviving child and a kid who, let’s not forget, had ample chance to see Philip and Elizabeth that day at the park—and Philip as he passed him in the hall after discovering Emmett and Leanne’s bodies. Can

Over on the Justified comments there's a little Erica Tazel-for-Clarice group blooming…

Todd VanDerWerff > Nate Silver

Couldn't help but notice that this is the second HateSong in a row in which "ignorant" hip-hop is mentioned in a positive light by the hater. The last one was Cole Alexander on Lorde's "Royals," although at this point he's talking about how he doesn't like Drake: "Personally, I like more melodramatic, ignorant rap

"Let’s be perfectly clear. This will be a LIEBRARY." -h20boy

Strange that Dowd left Lawrence Fishburne out of this review entirely…

To add to Erik's point about the music supervision and well chosen tracks: "A History of Bad Men" by Melvins was playing while Rust was getting frisked. The Iron Crusaders have a far superior jukebox to any of the MCs on Sons of Anarchy.