
That is true enough from reading a number of Peart's books since he wanted to dispel the notion that he is still some Rand fanatic. 70's Rush was quite a bit influenced from Rand (2112, Anthem, Something for Nothing, The Trees) but not so much directly after that other than his personal philosophy of high achievement

I like that list though I would have to rank 2112 above Caress of Steel though I know where you are coming from, some truly epic jamming and Bastille Day and Lakeside Park quite excellent. Top 5 for me 1) Moving Pictures, 2) Permanent Waves, 3) 2112, 4) Hemispheres, 5) Power Windows with honorable mention to Presto.

First concert ever was Roll the Bones, it was great fun though I probably enjoyed concerts off later tours more and Vapor Trails was definitely a much stronger show. I remember this album being extremely popular in my High School right before Nirvana and Pearl Jam arrived on the scene. A few songs on the album are