

‘Life is hard and not fair’? Yeah, that’s why people have insurance! You realize other industrialized nations don’t see people going bankrupt due to enormous medical debts, right? This isn’t rocket science. Eliminate the greed factor and bring down the cost of care and insurance.

Except we have budgeted like responsible adults to make sure we have enough in an emergency savings fund to cover out of pocket maximums. 

Dude, these ‘luxuries’ you’re talking about are also once-in-a-blue moon purchases and not at all something that everybody indulges in. AND, thanks to cheap imports, you can get a large flat screen tv for a couple hundred bucks! Again, nowhere near the $12k you’ll need to insure your family. Depending upon where

How many flat screens, video game consoles, and car payments would make up for healthcare?

People who already know their health care issues are already making that calculation. You think someone who doesn’t know whether they’ll have cancer is going to? If they’re low income, you think a HSA is going to help that? You think everybody should stop buying things just in case they get in an accident, so they can

Absolutely. This was an absurdly priviledged post. I’ve been very fortunate to have good health care available for my family. When ACA came along our plan move to high deductible and we grumbled a bit because that meant we pretty much didn’t ever get to use our benefits. We never maxed out the deductible and I

I get what you’re saying but the problem is that the cost of health insurance has reached a point where even if you cut out luxuries you still aren’t going to save enough to pay for the premiums, let alone the copay and deductibles.

“His heart is in the right place” 

No. The point the guy makes isn’t valid. He makes $175,000 per year of taxpayer money. He has to pay $0 in premiums for his taxpayer funded healthcare. He has the ability to vote to raise his own salary. He also doesn’t work anywhere near what most of us would consider full-time hours.

You might call it a valid point. Reasonable people call it a red herring.

IE: Don’t look at us funneling money from the public commons into corporate pockets. Look at these irresponsible poor people who don’t know how to prioritize!!


Lolll... Yes because we buy a TV every year ? Forgoing a TV won’t help me with health insurance because my TV is 3 years old and I’m not updating it for like another decade. Y’all don’t really think before you pen these little assertions about what everyone else is doing. Stop assuming everyone is buying luxury items.

Yeah, because sitting around and staring at a wall is awesome. That’s basically what I’d have to do to afford healthcare. Sit around, stare at a wall, and eat one meal a day, if I’m lucky. But hey, I’m covered if I break something! Or the unthinkable happens! So, great. Food, shelter, car, or healthcare. Choose three,

Your definition of “entitlement” and “luxury” is wrong.

I’m disabled and unable to work in any existing work environment that exists. My only escape from the hell that is life is computer gaming. Take that away, and what’s left? Me sitting, staring at a wall, thinking of how society screwed me (because my circumstances

Under that absurd logic, nobody should ever buy anything nice for themselves in the event that someday they get cancer and need to pay off tens of thousands in medical bills. You might as well just move to North Korea or live in a van down by the river.

Lol. You are hilarious. I was pointing out your fear of terrorism. Not anything at all towards our agencies and military services doing the amazing work that they have done and will continue to do.

Survival? Really? Are you actually afraid of terrorist attacks? You have more chance of getting struck by lightning, dying while driving your car or having a heart attack LONG before a terrorist gets you. Hell, getting attacked by a terrorist in the US is one of the most rare things you can encounter.

When my dad slowly died an agonizing death to fast-moving cancer and my parents lost the tiny amount of shit they had managed to accumulate with their minimum wage jobs because he made the “choice” to take the only job he could thanks to the Reds tanking the economy in ‘08 and made the “choice” to pay their rent

Typical conservative troll. Outlandish talking point gets (rightly and brilliantly) destroyed and the response is: “Durr... Obama said something like this before I think.”