It’s also, technically, a Missy Elliot lyric.
It’s also, technically, a Missy Elliot lyric.
The real crime here is that vertical video
I lived in Australia for 11 years, returning to the US relatively recently. Individual Australians are fine people, but collectively they’ve formed a nation of beige cardigan cowards.
Well, considering the fact that showing a vagina for a split second in a movie will get it an NC-17 rating, while a bloody decapitation will only warrent an R rating, I’d say that the puritans are still alive and well in the USA...
Wonder how Australia feels about the new Forza Horizon game. Can’t be having this kind of hoonigalism being performed even on digital streets!
About as smart, and then you look at the US Republican party....
Who would have thought an island made up of ancestral hooligans and criminals would be such a buzzkill? They’re like that with movies and video games too...
Gutting’em is the only way a C4 thru C6 Corvette actually looks attractive ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The 8 series and M1 (70's) have always been the best looking BMW’s to me. Followed very closely by the 3.0 CSl.
Routan and Caliber are both Chrysler products...
When you have that kind of class, you don’t need to turn.
I’m starting to trend that way. Leather is too hot in summer and too cold in winter, plus it requires extra maintenance to keep it from falling apart.
Cloth ftw.
Am I the only one who prefer a great cloth seat over a leather ??