Ian McNabb

Do you like watching people die? Because that’s how you watch people die.

Cough cough Canada or all of Europe Cough cough

Bud, Afghanistan isn’t a good example of an accepting nation. Try any nation with a working police force, unlike ours.

California has some reasons for doing what they do, usually with pretty minor hp loss. Plus, most euro regulations are harsher than Cali’s.

The new ones don’t do that. Different generation, and IIRC only with the V8.

Lil’ late, but 3/5 have already been announced. Not too far off.

Bruh, THERE WILL BE NO RENEGOTIATION. The EU has already ruled it out, This is a terrifying symbol to the rest of the world that America is leaving its leadership position, especially in science, and our standards, increased under Obama, are possibly going to be lowered.

Because it was a fucking symbol, an important multinational agreement, and won’t actually save jobs.

Triggered much?

He represents America badly, and if he’s called out on it, suck it. Trump hasn’t done well by the American people and our standing in the world, and despite your bitching, he still has less than 45% approval. Boo Hoo, stop getting triggered.

Nope. Since the deal is mostly a set of promises which a grand part of the world agrees with, the only way that leaving it would increase our GDP would be if they made USA-only products, which are rare.

Yes it fucking is.

I would disagree with that. Stereotyping is done by every single human being on earth, and, although calling the cops on a dude doing some gardening is fucked up, the fact is that most stereotypes are getting better, not worse, just not quick.

Stereotypes are hard to escape, and if people are trying to improve, let them, and focus more on those who are just assholes. Improvement isn’t fast or easy, and nobody should treat it like it is.

If we ain’t talking, or at least mentioning International Scout, I don’t wanna talk.

This is a team that is 2 years early in reaching the playoffs. Give Boston some credit here.

I’m crying tears of sweet, sweet, America right now, imagining the blood, sweat, and cholesterol which must have gone into this mythical beast. Long live the Shelby F-150, and long live America.

Volvos are for urban upper-middle class people who don’t want a BMW and have kids. You seem to assume smart people give a fuck about cars. Most “smart people” don’t, just like most Americans don’t. If you want to live in the Camry age, go right ahead. But don’t judge somebody who wants a nice Swedish car, because if

Most white people are just unaware, and unwilling to become aware about how systemic racism is. The fact is, however, that not all whites are racist, or at least so uncaring as you accuse a whole race of being. Generalizations hold everyone back.

It was a shitty thing to do, but it’s not necessarily gender related as far as the video could show you.