Ian K

This is so stupid. I business travel to Europe and this shit NEVER happens.

French Customs (if they even bother to ask): why are you here?
Me: business trip
FC: Who do you work for (they know this BTW)
FC: STAMPS PASSPORT. Yells for next guy.

He looks like Larry Hagman in that shot....weird...

Spoiler: it was computers all along!

LOL. Go watch the originals and then tell me how many colors you see other than blue.

And by “originals” I mean EP 4-6. Not the Darth Emo trilogy.

When this was all done practically back in the day, seeing how it was done was interesting. How did they build the models? How did they do the compositing? How did they get it all in sync

Now? It’s computers. Seriously. Like a video game, except the frame rate is hours per frame rather than frames per second.


You know what’s awesome? Getting in Sea of Thieves on my PC Master Race monstrosity and playing with my buddies on Xbox. It just works. Xbox party chat in the windows app, party join, all of it. Microsoft 1st party titles on PC behave like they’re on a stupid-fast console. Easy-peasy cross-play goodness.

My PS4 is

For “linux distros.”

I suspect the reason there is no law to specifically hold bullshit 911 callers accountable is the fear it would discourage legit calls.

I’ll just say it: Godzilla vs. Kong is dumb. As dumb or dumber than “Skull Island?” Maybe. Kong is hurt by bullets. Godzilla is an unkillable force of nature who just saunters off when his work is done. At best only Super Science (tm) can slow him down a bit.

A Kong vs. Godzilla movie would be about ten seconds long.

Some of us don’t suck at physics and electrical engineering.

That’s a lot work to intro the latest character for Blizard’s Bunny-Hopping Random Shooter game.

I can’t help it that retards mistake “Iron Sky” for a documentary.

Why not both. The “half a bikini and a hat” cosplay is pretty lazy.

But most of this is pretty great.

Video fail: learn to fucking de-interlace that stuff. Jesus. HD doesn’t matter if you fuck it up with super newb mistakes.

Mark Hamill, Wil Wheaton, Gates McFadden and Natalie Portman should all just go out to Sunday brunch for no other reason than to troll the nerds.

Ejecting from a jet fighter. Sniping the pilot in another and flying away in their fighter.

Two things:

Every WW movie will bring Trevor back in some way and then have him die in the end. He’s the Kenny of the DC.

Oh please. I wrote papers on books that did not exist throughout high-school. But that was before the internet. It was fun.