Ian K


The flames are foreshadowing...

I paid ~$15 for Kerbal Space Program. Got to enjoy watching get better over the years. A fantastic investment.

That’ll be handy when GRRM falls over dead while watching and/or blogging about football.

I’m not a CS player...but...is the opposing team always highlighted like that? That seems kinda weak.

Well I think the dev just got a harsh lesson in internet. Needs thicker skin.

Reduce the slew rate of the turret....

So, like doom itself the cover is brown and bland.

It was all a part of the plan...

Yeah. Add another “me too” to the list if folks who thought it was obvious.

Next up: rock band DLC where the newly unlocked Fallen playable race will be totally OP due to four armed drum supremacy.

I dunno what’s up with this game, but on my PC the on-screen graphics in no way match the load it puts on the GPUs (2x 980ti).

Wow. So much drama over something so fucking trivial.

Yep. Plays like butter on my rig. Although it’s locked at 30fps like the console, BOOOOOOOOOO.

Necro thread, ARISE!

It’s on a console. With weaksauce AMD APU . What do people expect?

This reminded me that I need to cancel my WoW account. Wonder how much $ Bliz makes off folks like me?

Next up: Year 2 Gally for $50.

Don’t forget Generic Shooter 715 : Open World Generic Shooter featuring comically bad physics and hookers.

I play the game, a lot, with a great group of folks and that’s what makes it awesome.