
Fo Real`1

I am really hoping they announce at some point that this can power a hololense headset. In which case I will be all in. As I don’t really want to build a new PC just to do Hololense but buying a console made by Microsoft that can guarantee support for it would be an easy sell.

I would happily lend my editing skills to this task. Sure it would be a huge undertaking that would still likely need at least a few people in the studio watching over it to make sure the volunteers do not mess things up but I am confident if this was crowd sourced this could be done for many less millions than they

This is the problem I have with people in Overwatch. Thinking of Lucio as a mere healer is an issue. He is much more effective when using speed boost along side another support who is healing (zenyatta is a great match with the right players.) Yes, Lucio can heal but on CTF his true power is helping orchestrate a

Maybe a Valve “Seal of Quality” would be a good solution. Don’t stop the crap games but stamp the ones that valve has actually vetted with a seal of approval so that people buying that game know the developer has been vetted at least slightly and is not trying to rip them off.

Nice I remember years ago I wanted to try this after they bastardized galaxies with the WoW-clone update and the servers were not functioning properly then. Maybe I will give this a shot now I have been missing this game for years. Was waiting to hear if they ever got his up and running correct.

What would be great is a Bravely Default game on consoles with a better story. You don’t have to call it Final Fantasy for it to have all the old school charm of a Final Fantasy game yet it still scratches that itch.

Just like the trailer says, most people prefer to be safe than to have any sort of privacy. If enough people actually cared that our own government is spying on its citizens then maybe there would be some real pushback. But there is not, because only a minority of us actually care about what the government does.

Well I live in a world where cell phones and other electronics are already very prevalent. So this is already a reality for me. Anyone with a cell phone could be filming me at any time, moving the camera from the phone to the face does not make that more likely it just makes it more obvious that it could be done.


They did make a WoW clone, they took the glorious SWG and turned it into WoW thus destroying a great game in the process.

Otherwise I completely agree with you. Thankfully the massive failure of SWG post NGE SOE/Daybreak seems to have steered away from the course in its other titles. (though I would still argue that

I could probably write a novel about my multiple years of serious over-use of DXM however it is not something that can be easily described. If you are curious Google it and read the stories online, if you ever try it make sure you are taking products with only DXM as an active ingredient. Best to be safe than to have

I personally think 3 is the highlight of the series in terms of gameplay. I like it because of the complications.

I am still holding out hope that Solid Snake is actually in Metal Gear Solid 5 and that he is played by David Hayter trying to sound like a teenager. To me that would be perfectly acceptable. :)

I am pretty sure that movie was just somebodies way of getting a Mewtwo fanfic made into a movie.

I am on Reddit every day and had no idea this was a thing until I saw this post. Really glad I missed it lol.

I will agree that Shenmue as a game is not great. However while you do not like it for being basically a life-sim set in 1980s Japan that is the exact reason I love the game. I am not going to defend the skeleton of a game that exists around said life sim but when it came out I had never had an experience quite like

They really needed to make it some sort of tech that freezes them all safely like in stasis or something.

I am really happy the ban was not due to the tactics. That would be terrible. Yes nobody really likes to watch a long drawn out game but sometimes that is part of StarCraft.

I totally understand the ban for checking social media, a true pro match should be done in isolation to outside influence to be fair.

Drinking and life sized pac man? Reminds me of Club Dredd.

I am surprised this is so far down. It is a great series in that not only is it great science fiction but it is also good for really diving into and picking apart all of the ways this story matches earth history. It makes you think and can help teach you a thing about history in a roundabout way.