Ian Harac

I hadn't had time to go through the comments, which I admit is lazy of me. I was referring to the original list only.

No mention of Jurassic Bark?

"Salon.com has no sense of humor" is "dog bites man".

The Transformers Movie was a lot like that. Two seasons of no one being harmed, and then, WHAM! Like two dozen brutal deaths in the first five minutes.

Seeding the wasteland with salt doesn't do good.

Ah, a trip down my childhood memories. I watched a lot of the older ones. The 70s may have been the worst era in children's programming, when the do-gooders and whiners and proto-PCniks were at their height, making sure everything was educational, value-laden, uplifting, and otherwise boring as hell. (Not to mention

Does exactly WHEN a show airs really matter in these DVR days? I have no idea when most of my favorite shows air… or, hell, on what network. I program them into the DVR and watch them whenever it's convenient, in any order, based on how much I like them or what mood I'm in. I doubt I'm atypical.