Ian Fitzpatrick

“street race traffic on the 405”

You guys need to just have a unicameral house like us. If your legislation doesn’t pass, TOUGH FUCKING COOKIES. YOU ONLY GET ONE SHOT DO NOT MISS YOUR CHANCE TO BLOW, moms spaghetti etc etc

The “we can’t prove who’s driving” is such bullshit. The cops have dragged their feet in every step of this investigation to give these guys ample time to skip town.


I would love my commute to work if it was a street race everytime. I’m tired of taking 20 min to drive 7 miles.

Yup, all we do in LA is street race. I went out and ran an 8-mile street race this morning, making sure to run every stop sign and drift every corner. I’m street racing in my office at home right now, but I plan on street racing down to Compton to get some BBQ later, then street race to run some errands. Hopefully I

Many people are concerned that before he worked at Nintendo, he worked at a bank for twice as long as he’s worked at Nintendo. But think of it this way - Miyamoto worked at Nintendo since he was barely out of his teens. It’s the only world he’s ever known. Kimishima worked at a bank for decades, making who knows how

I agree. I don’t think Wii U was a bad idea. I just think it was poorly designed.

It should have been at least close to XB1 and PS4 in hardware specifications. The GamePad should have had analog triggers, a capacitive touch screen, and a better range for off-screen play. Another possible addition would be a higher

Why do we never get to see the after-effects of Venom Snake’s big revelation?

The problem with the story is that it was clearly unfinished. I’ve seen a lot of people defending it, and I get that. I really do. You love a series, and you want to stand up for it. But it’s clearly unfinished. I mean, almost all of the story in the game was shown in some form well before release. In some cases,

More hardcore than I will ever be.

Ive had the game since friday (a friend of a friend got it for me) and I can tell you right now this is the first metal gear where so far the gameplay out weighs the cinematics. Im about 10 hrs into the game and there has literally been 3 cut scenes the rest is all game play. This is a must play. Ive played every

Brilliant. I keep laughing at the in-game credits sequences every time they pop up. Kojima’s name’s front and centre throughout the entirety of Phantom Pain, almost to a point where one could think it’s a deliberate fuck you to Konami.

My body is augmented.

Ore-order!? Rabble rabble rabble!

As an undergrad geology student, I had a prof who told us a story about visiting part of the Canadian Shield. They’re out looking at some rocks, and a tourist thinks out loud, “I wonder how old these rocks are!” My prof is like, “3 billion years old”. The tourist has this look of wonder on his face and says “Wow, how

Coincidentally, someone left the exact same note on the back of a bar napkin by the endzone of Soldier Field.