Yeah, dude was amazingly calm while getting yelled at. You could tell by how quick he started unloaded after she got out that it was taking a hell of a lot of composure to stay that way. Although, dude, don’t litter.
Yeah, dude was amazingly calm while getting yelled at. You could tell by how quick he started unloaded after she got out that it was taking a hell of a lot of composure to stay that way. Although, dude, don’t litter.
Someone made a good point on another forum that those who threaten rape should have legal action taken against them. IMHO, that’s like pointing a gun at someone and threatening to shoot; you’re basically taking their life away if they’re found guilty.
Shagittarius continues to fight the good fight against reading articles before responding to them.
Trump will love those controllers!
Online stuff through smartphone sounds great to me. Don’t have to buy a headset, easier to get friends to voicechat, easier to text chat, can get game invites while I’m not on my console. I wish they would all do that.
*Aphex Twin
Multiplayer mode it is, then.
The new Doom is a surprise on multiple levels.
Are you funding the game?
“That’s one HELL of a pilot!”
FN-2187 is actually considered one of the best and most promising of his group. I think he’s just a total infantry grunt. He doesn’t know anything about ships or their weapon systems.
“I don’t understand context,”
Its perfectly possible to think someone is a good person without without examining EVERY DECISION HE’S EVER MADE. People do bad stuff sometimes, sometimes for business reasons that make singular people very upset. Show me a single person who has never done a bad thing their whole life and I’ll show you a liar.
I played them when they came out and loved them all. I just started Prime 2 and realized I’d completely forgotten how it begins. I’m juggling it with more pressing games that need coverage on the site, so no promises as to when I’ll review Prime 2, but hopefully some time in the next few months. I recall liking Prime…
I can almost guarantee you that we will see everything we need to know at this years E3. They are almost sure to give us something by then.
Maybe they’ll be like “LOL ZeldaU is available for sale right now xdeee” right after the presentation ends.
Haha, I would kill for Kojima to get on Metal Gear Pachinko. Insert one ball, play a couple rounds then sit there as the pachinko machine waxes philosphical at you for about 40 minutes before you can play some more.
My one thing is, I bought a wii u at launch because there would be a new Zelda title on it eventually.
While I definitely feel you, owning two myself, I would MUCH rather they release a PROPER controller with ANALOG triggers for NX. This is why there aren’t any Gamecube games on Wii U, btw.