You beat NSMB Wii in one sitting?
You beat NSMB Wii in one sitting?
Well I rarely have issues with html5 video on my iPad, that's why I asked.
I rarely have issues with HTMl5 video on my iPad, that's why I asked !
(re-read my original comment, I misread yours it turned out.)
I'd you don't care about dual analog sticks, and don't care for motion controls...
Well then they'll just have to release an awesome sequel later on!
I just had a hard time going back to IR after using WM+ in Red Steel 2 (picked up for $8.98 at my work at toys r is, such a steal!) and skyward sword, call me lazy.
Is the video choppy for anyone else?
No, you're not stopping the government from controlling everything.
If you'd followed our conversation up to this point, you'd find we are NOT referring to the video above.
Well, did you see the guy playing it? Seemed to be managing just fine, from what I could tell. And how inaccurate can dual analog sticks be? Besides, pointer controls with wii motion plus trump any IR controls. Try aiming in Skyward Sword or The Conduit 2 w/ m+ & then go to something like RE Umbrella Chronicles.…
They showed actual gameplay, it's pretty spot on, will re-comment when I've found the link.
except for the fact that someone in my family registered my wii early on, never told anyone, nd when I finally discovered club Nintendo, it wouldn't let me register it...
I was so happy when Reggie paid homage to the "my body is ready" meme at the conference today.
I've noticed that with a lot of the single clips uploaded to YT. The AC3 demo clip looked atrocious, but watching the full stream it was crisp and clean.
[] was not a dual shock 3
Sorry for not being real enough for you.
Reading this thread, I am all kinds of sad.
I was so excited when I saw the Marina City Towers and the Sears Tower.
This does not look like a 360 controller to me.