Ian Fay

Unless they take some serious liberties with his comic namesake, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you re: Tommy.

Oddly, the answer to "best Royal Fush gang" is kind of both, since it's the the JLU episodes set in the future that really have the amazing story (esp. the stuff re: Ace) and the biggest emotional punch.

Oddly, the answer to "best Royal Fush gang" is kind of both, since it's the the JLU episodes set in the future that really have the amazing story (esp. the stuff re: Ace) and the biggest emotional punch.

Honestly, I barely remember what happened in The Given Day other than its Wikipedia-esque broad strokes, and had completely forgotten that Danny was in it.

Honestly, I barely remember what happened in The Given Day other than its Wikipedia-esque broad strokes, and had completely forgotten that Danny was in it.

I was hoping you guys would review this novel.

I was hoping you guys would review this novel.