Ian Fay

Legit question:

"I offer you the worm from my beak and you look at me like I fucked your mom?"

Good thing you didn't see Batman V Superman V Brown V Board of Education.

LSH would actually be a really good fit for this show, come to think of it.

Sadly, up until pretty recently, the main personality trait for X-23 was "Wolverine nerds didn't have to feel funny about fapping to."

This was the ringtone on my phone for the longest time.

I've been telling all my friends since last night that this show gets right everything that Man Of Steel gets so very wrong.

Dancing baby? Peter MacNicol?

Sadly, Windows no longer comes with a utility just for this purpose (someone fetch my my walker, Matlock is on), but Google always comes through:

I think you mean Garfünkel and Öates.

David Mamet, as usual, on point here:

Welcome, fellow Penn & Teller fan…

Not only that, but there is now a WHOLE CITY OF GIANT TALKING PSYCHIC GORILLAS.

Watch the show, but if you see JarJar, immediately skip that episode.

I do love that "new dildo smell", though.

That's Black Bolt or Medusa, who are, sadly, being saved for the movies.

Nah, that's just the Dildo Fairy.

I'm actually disappointed neither Cisco nor Stein namechecked Star Trek's Mirror Universe, or at least made an evil goatee joke.

He's still Wells, he's just ACTUAL Wells, the guy whose body Thawne stole.