
One of the latest health trends on TikTok...

Can I pay someone to stop putting this guys face in the thumbnails? I no longer wish to look at dead things.

The only way to salvage the show is to officially make it a prequel to The Expanse.

Arianne 5 is a pretty reliable rocket. But, yeah, everyone was holding their breath on that one.

Republican politicians are some of the worst people on earth. Just absolutely insane.

aka Tali’s aunt from Mass Effect

I’ve seen this sentiment on few posts (most statements with far more acidity than yours) and don’t think I can let it go by unaddressed any longer: I assure you the site is not ignoring Mike’s devastating passing. Grief doesn’t operate on a timeline. Mike was crucial figure in many of our lives—in my mind, the most

Thank you, I appreciate that. And dear god I wish Kinja weren’t such a colossal piece of crap that I could delete it.

Hey, do you know what you do when a close friend of yours has just died? You grieve, and you get on, and you wait for everyone to be back together again. I’ve written the entire site on my own today, the day after I found out my friend and colleague had died. And the response I get for trying to write something with

His partner confirmed that he passed away on Friday. Somehow it’s three days later and there hasn’t been a single mention of it in any sort of official capacity here.

The last article from Uncle Fahey. May he Rest In Peace 

Your loss.

When Daemon when inside to talk with his bride-to-be (sorry, I honestly can’t remember her name - I’m struggling with the names in general at the moment, though!) I genuinely feared a GoT style rape scene. I’m so glad that’s not what we got, but if this had been the first few seasons of GoT I’m fairly sure she would

Someone needs to assassinate this piece of shit.

7. I’m not completely sold on another “badass father figure+ adopted young person” story line yet. I’ll see what happens. The trope is used a bit much these days.

It’s really the involvement of the Expanse folks that has me excited (although I also want Expanse movies to wrap up the books!). I never read the WOT books and thought the series was mediocre but watchable, whereas the Expanse books and series were just excellent. The Expanse series is one of the greatest sci fi

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It seems Some one doesn’t want to put down the light saber ....

Sure, his Scientology thing is creepy, but by all accounts from people that know him and work with him, he is a consummate professional.  Some of us can separate the work from the artist, if that’s not you, so be it.

I know appeasement brought the Germans to a sudden halt even before they entered Poland. Glad that was nipped in the bud before it got out of hand. /s

I think the best case scenario is a press release that says, “We consider those stories and characters to now be part of the Legends universe and look forward to adding new stories in their place.”