
Can and should, at what cost, at what additional risk, how does it impact nearby interfaces, material reliability, structural integrity all factor into that design process. If there was a proven connector design that worked the previous 20 launches, why would you change it simply to make it idiot proof (not saying

The RCCA for this will be of great interest to me when they release it.
Even though this isn’t the rocket I am going to be interfacing with next year, this definitely makes me nervous

Not disagreeing, but people here jumping straight on “you should have designed it to be idiot proof” or straight up “it’s a design problem” do not seem to understand how the design process works.

Sure, it ultimately may result in a design change to alter the shape of the connector housings such that it prevents

You can’t design for every possible human error. For critical and newly designed systems, you build in duplicates where you can for redundancy but that’s not often the case for propulsion components due to a combination of additional weight and risk when you have redundant propulsion systems on board.

Dude, give it a rest. Discovery is not without it’s flaws but I fail to see why you insist on why it has to meet what is effectively your interpretation of Gene Roddenberry’s vision in order for it to be good? That’s narcissistic viewpoint.

A show can move past that vision especially when time and time again, humanity

It sure will make America slightly better again

Lol, that’s true

Fuck Republicans

Goddamn this is a misleading headline.

As someone with an actual firsthand account of meeting him, listening to him speak, and performed work under his leadership, I can attest that he was not the trash that people are making him out to be.
No, he was not the ideal person to be put into the NASA administrator position, however compared to all the Trump

Sad but true

only after she wore Prada

The best set up always involve cats

Yeah, fuck this guy. Hope he loses everything

Oh....it went full Stargate complete with Groot light trees.

Honestly, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I got the Stargate vibe as soon as someone said 7 symbols to a point in space, but I loved SG so I rolled with it.

The character development (minus that of Bellamy) was still pretty solid and Clarke’s

I’m Jacks complete lack of surprise

The Republican cycle of pain is to self inflict their own wounds and then blame someone else instead of using any degree of common sense to try to solve or mitigate the problem

As a Tesla owner, I approve this message

Fuck yes!

Well, guess they found their next Uncle Ben(idict Cumberbatch)