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Yeah, that was the "contract" I had seen before (and so I probably had actually seen that rule before, I just couldn't remember that particular "clause"), but the Wiki-fication has expanded since then, including more stuff (I ran across it pre-One Wolrd, I think). Looks legit, I agree.

Ah, OK, "physical assistance". But I bet that could be wiggled into flat-out advice-type assistance, as well, if they wanted (or it could have before this precedent had been set in the past, maybe…).

I haven't seen the rule Chuck is talking about, but it sounds like something in writing that should apply, so…

It would've been a great moment if he had gotten confused about stashing it somewhere and transferring it to his bag ("Oh, God, Jeff, I meant to fetch and pack it yesterday, but then Ciera joined me on the way to Tree Mail and it just slipped my mind… I just figured I'd done it, too many naps, feverish sausage

That's true. Ex: [Hayden to Caleb] "Well, bro, he's got to be wondering why we aren't saying anything about him and Ciera talking all the time. Let's act scared, before he starts peeing in the rice or eating everything or something." The whole "is she or isn't she lying" paranoia wasn't assuaged by Hayden and

Throw him off meaning "not use his idol"? I think we often just see alliances target a Gervase or Monica in that kind of situation (i.e. when they suspect/know he has an idol).

Pretty convoluted scenario though. (Katie and) Caleb and Hayden working with Ciera (4 out of 7), and so they nail it down by approaching Tyson and saying they know Tyson's plan, and think he should vote out Ciera. Why not just go to him and say, "Ciera, right?" Maybe everyone just knows he has the idol, and he's

Maybe it means he had doubts about Monica (the woman who had won immunity)? Maybe even about Gervase (the black guy)? But, beyond him playing the idol there, there was no evidence of him being concerned about either of them (quite the contrary with Gervase).

What are the chances that, if/when they do Blood v. Water again, we end up with 4 or 5 couples at the Merge (give or take a loner), instead of loved-one pairs getting whittled down into singles?

I was fine with the Irving and Jenny stuff as well. For me, it's like this: the show introduced Jenny quite a few episodes ago, and I have totally not bought into the character. She's way too shiny, model-ish and clean for what she's supposed to represent. Tonight though, I thought the actress was solid in the

My regular account isn't working on Chrome, for whatever reason. Or on Firefox or IE10. Used to until yesterday, so I'd just say this sort of mysterious failure is just what disqus serves up on the regular, since they have the internet by the nads and just need to look pretty while the latest couple dozen yahoos

I already saw it jokingly mis-spelled (for the same practical reason) above in the comments when I did it, so now I'm feeling bad about that. Of course, I was the one who began the misspelling-of-his-name joke way back in Dollhouse comments, yes I was definitely the first to ever do it.

Part of me feels bad, but then I just go ahead and assume he and others with names from wherever that's from might forgive me and have a sense of humor about it, even for the millionth time. (And it's easier than searching and copy/pasting the correct spelling.)

Good point about the switch over to Pete (btw, the asshole is named Mitch—Brian is the Governor's name).

Yeah, last week was definitely tedious. By the end of last week's though, I was OK with it—we had seen some zombie action and they were on the road, and none of it had to do with the prison or that fence or the same old people inside.

Somebody is going to decide to run and jump in and have a swim sometime, and Enkver Djocdefghijk is going to get another paycheck.

I think Martinez suggested that the Governor could "share the crown" in this latest kingdom, and so that was what led the Gov to say "I don't want it!"


It works on my Chrome (Windows 7).

I can't login with the "person"-looking icon at the top of the page, so I have to use disqus login which is a different account with the same name.