That's what happens when someone who was a fucking dork in high school discovers the power of the badge.
I guess no one else noticed, but the best part of the plate is the miniature bloody handprints. It just fits so well.
@SpellingNazi: I LOL'ed
@guyfromtrinidad: *head asplode*
@YankBoffin: Well done.
@Brian: Cogito Ergo ZOOM!: Exactly what I was wondering.
@dolo54 blows minds and blows engines!: mmmmmmmm
@riber.bentsen: Amen.
@hawkeye18: Awesome
@∞Gïmmï∞Mørgäikkøŋëŋ∞: Exactly.
Buy it and fill it with Jews! Buy it and fill it with Jews!!
@Adamskiy, as seen on TV!: Nice.
@∞Gïmmï∞Mørgäikkøŋëŋ∞: One word for you: EcoBoost
@osbjmg: +2
@horspowr1001 will accept TSA gropage to fly Concorde: hahaha yesssss I was thinking how much this guy sounded like double rainbow guy
@Prozach1: I lol'd
I have seen this plane in person in Akron, and photos do not do justice to the scale of it. I was under a wing and could have easily mistaken it as a low ceiling. Just massive.
@M44Power: For epic justice
@stöke, abarth starr: Well I guess that makes me a power-hungry optometrist.