@powermatic: what the heck is that?
@Bad Juju and the Axle Tramps: I would find it difficult to not do physical harm to all of the counterparties. Very difficult indeed.
@Spinnetti: Seriously, we need some sort of airlock between Gawker and Jalop.
@Turboner: Please run for President.
@Tossed Pissed Mazda3hatch sideways: God damn that is sexy. Beyond sexy, even.
@SagarikaLumos: Want want want
@philaDLJ: Timely AND appropriate.
@Optixtruf: OH SNAP
@Roberto G.: No, because you tried to kiss me. And you pass up an F40 because it's RHD.
Whatever you guys are paying the Metaphor Department.. pay them more.
@audifan7: And that is why the Jaloptariot adores him.
@Roberto G.: You know how I know you're gay?
@solomonrex: No, I fully grasp the premise. How can a VIN be diesel, though?
@Chairman Kaga: +1. Brilliant.
@onlysix: High-Five!
@jodark: High-Five!
@cjgentile: High-Five!
@worthless_cos: Well I wouldn't say we're awesome.. but I will take slightly above average.
@smrtypants44: Wow, that is egregious.