@ZeroOrDie: Hide your Glenns, hide your Becks, they rapin' everybody out here!
@ZeroOrDie: Hide your Glenns, hide your Becks, they rapin' everybody out here!
@Novaload: That's a mucha lessa offensive! Mamma mia!
@Novaload: Are you kidding me? Those wheels are forged from pure win.
@snap_understeer_ftw: As a karate expert, I recommend that you do not buy that car.
@mytdawg: +1
@jodark: And it looks ridiculous.
A buddy and I were watching that video. Damn near taurus in half with laughter.
@Spiegel, PhD, DDS, FBI: More like he was the one getting picked on, and now he's paying the world back. Seen it happen so many times man.
@Spiegel, PhD, DDS, FBI: I made the mistake of reading that with a bite of lunch in my mouth. Seriously, I almost choked to death. Hilarious.
I can tell by the douchebags in the comments that this was crossposted. Don't even have to look.
@danio3834: You wouldn't steal A KITTEN
@toddfaye: Worst troll ever. I hope you get banninated.
@CABEZAGRANDE: I'm with you.
It should be noted that Brett Favre had to be forcibly removed from the full-body scanner last week.
@Alfisted: Tee hee hee.
@ingolstadt: No worries man. To be honest, I was thinking of the Nissan Cube instead of the Soul. The Soul is pretty sweet, at least when compared to the Cube (agh) and the Juke (AGH). I googled the Optima and it's not actually that bad. The Sorento and Sportage exist in a segment that cannot possibly be cool or…
Why would you post this without a desktop-sized version being available?
Why would you post this without a desktop-sized version being available?
Why would you post this without a desktop-sized version being available?
@spitfire74: Coolest lion ever.