
@nick2ny: As the employee of a large investment bank.. yes.

@OG_: I like this one better

Whoever slipped that design past the home office has surely been fired at this point.

@HideyoshiJP: That is a scientifical FACT. Thanks, college!

@DatsunJeeplover: Well in that case FUCK SHELL! Someone in India is doing my old job now. Unemployment is running rampant, and I wonder why??

Sure. But first, fire your taillight designer and shoot him in the head. Then burn the body, and hire the exact opposite person to undo everything he did. Then re-do the rear end and call me back.

They nailed it dead-on. Nice work!

@Rotard: I want to see those on a car

@vic06: Dear lord, you made it worse.

758 ft/lb of torque? Count me in!!