
I'm sure plenty of you will disagree with this, but I couldn't really get into #1, knowing beforehand that it wasn't authentic.

@cobrajoe: That may or may not be the most win ever recorded on film.

@Elhigh: 525/25/22s in the rear, titanium-belted kevlar construction.

@dolo54 blows minds and blows engines!: Correct me if i'm wrong, but if you stuck your head into the windstream at that velocity, your vertebrae would collapse back on themselves like an accordion made of.. your neck.

@xxpor: I giggled like a schoolgirl

@ThreeLitre: Also, it makes you immune to dysentary, and holds 2000lb of buffalo meat.

A Miata turned into a powder-blue Z3?

@sdvictor: Gahhh all my good ideas are late to the buffet today. Well played.