
@BigHarv: I dared criticize an article (it was trite, self-serving garbage) that argued that it was OK to objectivize male soccer players, but also that men who looked at women were still pigs. F that site.

@w1ngnut: Oh, you mean like when my girlfriend shrieks and grabs my leg whenever absolutely anything out of the ordinary happens, thereby scaring the bejeezus out of me and increasing the immediate risk of a crash?

@SarahMC: Please. Men don't completely ignore a life-or-death situation (e.g. piloting 5k lbs of steel traveling at highway speed) to apply make-up in the mirror.

@BigHarv: Hahaha I got banninated from my first post on Jezebel. Feminist goons.

"That'll buff out"

@Real Tomsk of Genius: By 1986 they were running it at 80 lbs (!!!!!) of boost and approximately 1300 bhp. Good lord in heaven.

No mention of James Tire? Davis Q. Motoroil? Metheuselah Windshield?

@shinjukuDLJ: ..Reeeading Raaaaainboooooowwwww!

@rocketrodeo: So you absolutely love it though, right?

@pauljones: I just stood up and saluted your post.

@Slave2anMG: how did that godawful meme get started?