@CABEZAGRANDE: Sweet merciful banana spiders
@CABEZAGRANDE: Sweet merciful banana spiders
@CABEZAGRANDE: That is not a 1966 Jaguar. No way.
@brandegee: That is several shades of awesome past the visible spectrum. What I would give to hear that baby run..
@korvetkeith king of teh horsepowers!: There is no fail here. Move along.
@ProfessorSlowmobile: haha awesome
@LoganSix: Good eye. I like it better gone.
@Muscles Marinara: Yes yes YES. That is a stunning pic.
I experience a similar situation on a double-onramp-into-one-new-lane going from downtown to 59s in Houston. If you see a black 328i coupe driving precisely in the middle of both lanes to keep assholes from cutting the line and ruining the zipper.. that's me.
I love to show this person absolutely no mercy when I'm at the front of the line. Oh, you're upset I won't let you screw everyone? Suck it.
@Bret: I love it.
@KeyserSöze: +1
@John Carter: Start her with a Fiat. Ferraris must be earned, by God.
@Desu-San-Desu: Aww, the jug ruined it. Now I can't pretend it's the size of a Navy destroyer anymore.
@philaDLJ: hahahaha very nice
That boat is either enormous, or tiny. I have no sense of scale.
@Tristan Hipps: No, but it would sure as hell make it easier to pretend
@John Carter: Can she operate a standard transmission?
@stoke™: That is an excellent point.
@HycoSpeed: yesssssss
@PotbellyJoe - As seen on I-287: I know you're referencing something, but I'm just not getting it. More clues please.