
Thank you for not writing "pours". That is all.

Quiet as a what?!

It also sends an automated e-mail to your boss requesting a 30% pay cut until you take it off.

@GtmDnStvDv: Frm th lk n th brd's fc, t lks lk y ls tpd pctr f DLCS CK!!1 n yr bk

@Jeb_Hoge: Oh please please let them tape a plush cat to the steering wheel.

@Marko Moskov: Have you considered donating it? Or maybe insurance fraud?

PSA: If anyone is having issues with the proximity sensor, e.g. your screen does not auto-lock when you put the phone up to your face to talk - do this:

@D0rk: Wow. Nice.

@wheelspin: I love it, and I love the pic

@Botswana Meat Commission FC: Those pictured aren't exactly 84s, they are talking about the number of spokes in wire wheels. TMYK.

@doug-g: I dislike your post.

I sure as hell will not be returning my iPhone 4. This is by far the best phone I have ever used.