Ian Boothby

Or is she "Mother?"

The only way this could upset me more is if it was any of my business.

Everything Luke says to Danny would be things you could say to Batman and they'd be even more true.

Double Nah.

He's wrong on so many things I'm starting to doubt his penis is as large as he promised it would be during that debate.

So was that Billy in the cell repeating everything?

This better not all just be a story Major Briggs is telling Bobby as a kid.

So is Dale the pie? Generally the right ingredients but not organic and locally sourced so until he gets back to Twin Peaks he won't be quite right?

Feels like it'll either be the smell of trees or the combo of coffee and donuts. The policeman's dream seems like a good place to wake up from.

Just like the knockoff Twin Peaks shows that followed it didn't quite get the formula right.

But this time Janey Assey!

Bring back Manimal but this time, Womanimal!

He's right, it's by far the worst. Mean spirited, sadistic, xenophobic and filled with screaming jerks.

It might be if he breaks some glass.

I hope all the severed arms form their own team.

This is the prequel to Meatballs 3, where a dead porn star has to get a nerd laid at camp or be damned for all eternity.

Well this was all kids of great.

Donald Trump faked a Time magazine cover? Someone needs to get a Life.