Ian Berger

I thought "Watchmen" wasn't terrible, but I was never a big fan of the comic. Those credit scenes were amazing.

The true story of the battle of Thermopylae is so damn cool, I don't see why it has to be sexed up like this. These 300 guys (and about six slaves each) and a couple of thousand other Greeks held off about 150,000 Persians. They were sold out for money. It wasn't some fascist rejection of an unfit soldier. The traitor

"War of the Roses" with Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas. I never saw a more mean-spirited movie in my life. Hah-hah, isn't it funny to see two married people with kids try to destroy each other. What an awful experience.

I seriously miss Larry Wilmore.

I'm really sick of Spielberg. I feel like every movie he does is a thematic repetition of the one before. And the themes are ultimately trite.

Alastair Sim in "A Christmas Carol" is the Scrooge. He is so repulsive, then pathetic, then joyful. I don't even know why people bother to remake that movie.