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    To spice things up I’ve suggested that Al Bundy of Married... With Children win the lottery and buy a house next door to the Pritchetts. It would be a hoot to see Ed O’Neill revive that character and see what happens when he meets someone who could be his identical twin and kind of has the same opinions but worked

    Once Forte decides this is done I assume each character will be killed off until it’s just Tandy & Carol who are left. Then Tandy truly is the last man on Earth, for all we know. Fade to Black.

    Thanks for the update. I don’t care about Start Tell canon and I like action. But I quit watching after around episode five when I concluded that since I like none of the characters it would be to much of a slog to continue watching.

    I gave up on this show three or four episodes ago when I realized I didn’t like any of the characters and didn’t care when some died. Sorry not sorry.

    I wonder if Karl will systematically kill off everyone in the group until it’s just Tandy who is left? Tandy vs Karl. The winner of this final battle is truly the last man on earth. Fade to black. End of series.

    Al Pacino & Harrison Ford have never hosted but I think they and SNL producers know it would probably go as badly as Robert De Niro’s gig if they did.

    Yes it’s surprising she didn’t host when Sister Act hit theatres. I assume she didn’t host when Ghost was released as that was around when Patrick Swayze hosted.

    Yes it’s surprising Taylor Swify didn’t appear in The Lion King video short either as herself or someone she’s feuded with. A missed opportunity.

    Tiffany Haddish was great: Boo Boo Jeffries was a riot, the monologue was funny and set up a later joke that she delivered on and she had fun in the The Lion King and cat sketches.

    It was odd that there was nothing about Blade Runner 2049 at all except a brief mention of the movie by Gosling. There was material for a tech noir, post-Trump dystopia-themed sketch instead of the chicken & the fugitive sketch after Weekend Update.

    My wife doesn’t like Ryan Gosling’s breaking but I think it’s funny. I wonder if it becomes a game for cast members to see if they can make other cast members break once Gosling has broken.