Mojo Jojo

+1 to this
i’ve been careless on occasion and found that, somehow, once the burn starts, washing actually seems to make it burn *worse* -- far better to never get to that point by using gloves

Always easy to tell who didn’t read the post.

Wear latex/nitrile gloves. I love the shit out of spicy food, and I will tell you, wearing gloves is the best way to do this. One little drop getting under your fingernail lying in wait will ruin your day when you inevitable rub your eyeball later in the day. Washing your hands doesn’t guarantee you removed all the

Most common misunderstanding of the US justice system. The jury does not ever decide innocent. In reality, the jury only decides if the defense presented enough reasonable doubt not to convict.

If that is true, it is sad and undercuts a core tenet of journalism—that is, to accurately apprise the public of pertinent information. Using “not guilty” and “innocent” interchangeably is monumentally misleading.

Yeah, fuck dip...if I ever switched to another tobacco product, it would be Snus. It’s so much cleaner than dipping.

“Today, the jury found Hernandez innocent of those charges.”

or just add “and got away with it”

I’m guessing you didn’t have a pre-written not guilty verdict article for this one.

I think 1 fire on a sub probably is enough.

As evidenced above...

“Trump is always making provocations with his aggressive words,” Han told the AP. “It’s not the DPRK but the U.S. and Trump that makes trouble.”

fear mongering article.

Same boat here. Except we’re still technically “at war” with them already, we just have not had any battles in most of our lifetimes now.

We’ve always been at war with north korea

Mine was at 256k and change when I sold it, still on the original clutch. Never needed oil either, since you had to dump in a quart every 1,500mi...

Lexus build quality below Audi & BMW? I owned a 2012 A7 and even a 2008 Lex LS has better build quality. New BMW have very low quality build. Those little bullsh*t aluminum trim pieces are separating. And they say the vibration at idle is “normal”

Did you actually just say that you think Lexus build quality is below Audi and BMW?

Houston resident as well. You just may be right. But this one is up there for sure.