Mojo Jojo

For a while there I thought she vaporized him with a death stare. He just vanished when she approached him.

Could be visiting from West Virginia. Never know.

You had your honeymoon in Ohio?

$3700? That’s, what, $3.70 per three decade old vacuum line? A bargain at twice the price.


I get funny looks when I wear nude spandex yoga pants and a halter top when I fly, but never have been confronted about it. I guess that’s my 43 year old white male privilege showing.

Yeah. Don’t know where that extra A came from.

Indeed. My Ass Rides Around In Navy Equipment.

Brb, stealing yo shit.

Portland been buying a lot of tanks and planes and aircraft carriers? Is that where they’re spending their money?

We will be by your house shortly to drop off criminals in need of non-government jailing. Or just a place to stay. Whatever, anything goes, right?

Tell them to come pick up my trash already.

Because the anarchists are likely doing a shit job and actually making the issue worse.

Not joking. You should have seen these idiots leaving when the stop work bell rang. Literally running out the door like the last day of school, driving over parking barriers, and getting in fights over who got out of the lot first. Every day. The best day was Friday, where they all parked their new trucks (84

They made over a billion dollars on this game, and could make another billion if they actively developed a product that the people want. I’m not sure what you’re trying to say.

After carefully stepping over empty 250 ml empty bottles of bourbon every morning as I walked through the reserved parking lot for assembly laborers at a facility that manufactures fighter jets for American pilots, all I can say is: Thank God for your unions. You’ve made it, Germany. 🇩🇪 The people have a right

It’s shoddy journalism intended to incite a response. There are no US carriers that fly the routes in question.

Find a US airline that flys one of these routes. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Hint: No US airlines fly these routes. Pointing out that it doesn’t apply to US airlines is just there to drive the narrative.

The Driver on the Edge of the Lawn.