ian spiegelman

Lindsay gets destroyed while Charlie gets a pass because bloggers like Perez Hilton have a psychotic hatred of women that's shared by certain producers at TMZ, writers at the Post, and some writers, editors and the owner of Gawker. They look at fat, old, cynical Charlie being totally out of control and say, "Aww..."

well, i gotta sleep... Balky, lemme know by email if the prob gets resolved... and if not alert Ryan and maybe bugs@gawker.com... but I am weak and sleepy... so g'night!

@Un Chien Andalou: my comments are showing up just fine on gawker now... try again

@BalknChain: My comments seem to be getting eaten there too... I'll give it a few more shots and then alert the authorities. In the meantime, please not kill me Jezzies!

Poor horrible, wretched thing... someone stole all her precious bone marrow.