Ian Shook

@Daed Heh, insert third appendage.

Sure is dusty in there.

This video of them blew my mind a few weeks ago. I watched it 10 times.

Don't skimp on business cards!

Finally a phone that flexes! Oh, wait, I never wanted this to begin with.

What about shiny clothes under normal clothes?

Does a 95% reliability rate mean that for every 20 that drive around, one of them breaks down/explodes?

The whole point of a Viewmaster is that it can display 3D images! So really you'd need 14 photos, or at least some offset (left and right) text to give a 3D effect. I made a Viewmaster disc by hand for my graphics portfolio. It was HARD to do. (Got the job, tho!)

In a few months, my girl and I are getting married in the house of the inventor of the Comptometer. Inside, there are 30+ version of the thing.

I live in a condo on the 31st floor w/ AT&T in Chicago. Anytime the EL goes by, my call drops. The EL is a 7 minute walk away, too.

FYI: The calibration panels and basic software interpolating the camera and laser plane data are found here: [www.david-laserscanner.com]

@Ian Shook: That didn't display in the comments correctly. In other words, shouldn't the symbol be the "greater than" symbol instead of "less than"?

Shouldn't that read 50 ?

4 people x 1 day = $4000. Time well spent.

I think at the show it said "over 1,500". Either way - pretty neat.

@Tycho Vhargon: History Channel's Modern Marvels - "Doors" just said 12000 have been saved so far.