
@coblesan: "To" is a preposition, though, so "we should try to and see whether..." isn't correct. "To" starts a prepositional phrase. A prepositional phrase is ended with a noun or adjective.

@Aipaloovik: That you can get a lawyer to make what you want to do legal doesn't mean you should do it.

Makes me want to pay less, not more, for copyrighted work.

Ehh, loathe as you may be to believe it, but there is more to life than the internet, google, Apple, and gadgets in the general. Google can want to change that, but never will.

@Bubbsdaddy: Give them enough time and companies will supplant the government.

@UpYourRAM: Well, it depends on how they're drawing up their results. If they had relatively few research subjects, then it's unlikely the researchers could control effectively for various types of drinkers/non-drinkers. In that case, it's best to compare absolute abstainers to non-abstainers.

@ttk2: Over clocking and using SSD do not a power user make. Pretty sure my dad (completely NOT a power user) cleans out his computer semi-regularly. And, upgrading the video card? Seriously? How is that news?

@natelock: Yeah. Astounding claims require astounding research, that's for sure.

@Lyokowarirtitan: That's got to be the easiest 'power user' knack to pick up. i.e. I don't know why they included it.

I laughed at how windows-centric this article was until I realized it was a Maximum PC article.

@natelock: Except the researchers excluded prior drinkers from their control group.

So it's going to take about 6 months to upgrade to 1.2 ghz and another 6 months to upgrade to 1.5 ghz?

@cletar: That'd be true feat of engineering.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: "That is the problem with Keynes. It relies on effective government spending so that G actually moves the economy forward."

@Strages: "Republicans seem to have the President's ear more than his own party, nor even the rest of us."

Don't like the budget cuts? Tell the Republicans to stop complaining about deficit spending or tax increases. You need more of one or the other (either short or long term) to finance government spending. Republicans seem to have the President's ear more than his own party, nor even the rest of us.

@m.e. stijl: If all you hear is clicking when it's plugged into a computer, the HD's likely borked.

They'll get a lot of business because they're $50-75 off the normal product. (That's about a 20% discount.) By keeping the price high they'll also extract monopoly profits.

Farscape: Start at the first episode and follow on through.

@vinod1978: I don't think there's enough evidence to support your hypothesis. Yes, FB sucks and we all loathe it, but there's a lot to be said for momentum.