@Diode: For the time being, I'm sure any kind if attempt to colonize it will be an international effort similar to the ISS. In the far future when it may be easy to set up a colony then the problem will start to arise.
@Diode: For the time being, I'm sure any kind if attempt to colonize it will be an international effort similar to the ISS. In the far future when it may be easy to set up a colony then the problem will start to arise.
@nerdwa: What's the difference?
Someone make Adblock Plus work properly with Chrome, c'mon!! It's the only thing preventing me from switch (from Firefox). Without blocking ads, websites load (what feels like) 10x slower anyway!
@Xaoc: I saw an oilrig in the middle of nowhere...for some reason.
@garrettloughran: Oh wait...wtf? You're telling me it WASN'T found on another planet? Damn, I actually read the entire article assuming these were on Titan...probably influenced by a rumor a couple days ago about life on Titan.
@Don Nguyen: LOL! I frickin' HATE orgo...and that was just carbon! Silicone too? HELL NO!
@Pseudo_Hakim: Totally agree. The small pebbles in the picture look like rock candy, and those are at least 5mm in diameter. From the picture's scale, it looks like those are smaller than 1mm. Hmmm...never seen pebbles that small before.
@RutgerHauer: The meta-game right now goes like this: 6-pool (the SC2 version of 4-pool, since you start with 6 drones) is almost impossible to pull off now. 14-pool, 13 hatch is the most common, but it is not an aggressive move. It is actually defensive since Terran and Protoss figured out how to easily kill a Zerg…
@Ars_Diaboli: Actually, South Korea had an excellent economy with multiple expansions but lacked any sort of defense. North Korea on the other hand was one-basing hard so they had a weak economy. However, when North pushed with a nuke timing-attack the South only had 2 SCVs and 2 marines to defend...we know the rest…
...except for one huge problem: mesh = getting caught by anything shaped like a hook.
@Spiegel Del Ocho: Is that a rhetorical question? Nothing stacks up against Mario Kart.
@kitsuneconundrum: That's weird, I've had to open one before while it was running and while it was not the easiest to thing to do I managed to figure out the locking mechanism and opened the lid. The machine stopped immediately.
@Ditchdigger: The ones that you are talking about do exist for much much cheaper (<$50 for sure) online. Problem is whether there's an App for reading any generic bluetooth OBDII reader.
@Duckman: Or it could be something ridiculous like morer beautifuler animations...er.
@katsun: I'd think that if they make MobileMe free with iOS 4.2 this month then you would probably be refunded your money...maybe not the full amount but most of it. That is IF they gave it out with 4.2
@Chroma3000: It also looks like a modified version of typophone 4 (which I use).
@Good_Ole_Pinocchio: Very true. Angry birds gets annoying after a while....but only because I'm trying so hard to get three stars for every level.
@JonThomasDesigns: ...Indigestion anyone?
@mmben: Stop using a Mac? I dunno, I'm out of ideas.
@seanpat12: What I wanted to say, EXACTLY.