
What was the purpose of this post other than mental illness click bait? “Look, here’s a guy who hit rock bottom, how fascinating!” No context, no story, just “funny weird picture that will get us traffic.” He’s not in the public eye anymore so definitely not newsworthy. I love Deadspin but come on, this is the kind of

says the guy tied for the league lead in dropped passes.

Hillary Clinton is everything that is wrong with Washington.

*24% of the electorate

Well, one-quarter of the electorate, anyway.

One very fucked-up quarter of the electorate.

Meanwhile he has one of his worst games of the season.

You know, this was a really, really good weekend for football. Like, a lot of good games at every level, lots of highlight material stuff, and generally just a lot of fun, escapist entertainment.

The Cowboys scored with 9 seconds left and still won.

“a kickoff punt” ?

I mean no disrespect to you Baccellieri, but I don’t think you should name these people. This is funny and I laughed, but I think names should be redacted in stories like this. This person is not a public persona and to be that drunk is actually not funny. I saw the after effects on Vodka Sam (which to the credit of

Doesn’t Wyoming have to lose again for Boise to get to the MWC championship game? Granted they have to play both at home v. SDSU and at New Mexico so it won’t be easy...

Donald Trump also allegedly sexually harassed some women, but most liberals have declared him guilty. Does innocent until proven guilty only apply to people you like?

I love how the leftists are more than inclined to believe this, but when there’s a VIDEO of black teens beating an elderly Trump supporter, no one says a word.

It’s not retribution if she lied. It’s a crime. You call out everyone for making assumptions, just like you are doing yourself.

Also, for someone who mocks another person’s assumed level of education, you sure use some uneducated language. See, what I tell my students who like to use language like you is that when we express ourselves we use our words to say what we mean, not uneducated, ignorant, meaningless words like “fuck”.

LOFL you are so far off in your assessment of me. And nice disanalogy comparing a yellow journalist who sensationalizes headlines to get clicks to people who save lives. Next.

Are you fucking stupid or did you not read the article? She made this shit up because jezebel make it feel good to play the victim.

Honestly in this case I find your headline just as misleading as the ones you’re complaining about.

While I can’t even pretend to know the truth in this case, neither can anyone else who isn’t directly associated with the case. Therefore, I find the title of this article misleading and biased and the article full of logical fallacies like post hoc ergo propter hoc assuming that because Trump was elected that people

‘Rather than carefully weigh the police’s claim against that of Altamimi, who has yet to respond to these latest allegations, several outlets went right ahead and wrote that she had lied, based on the word of the police alone.’