
The chlorine in a pool is usually if the form of sodium hypochlorite. (NaOCl)

I live in a liberal utopia. I live in Finland. It’s a gunless society.

Where the hell did you find a $250/mo platinum level plan that covered 4 people? That’s what I paid for a mid-low tier plan for just myself when I left my job back in 2009-2010. $250 for a family would have been a ridiculously good deal. I had a buddy who paid over $1,000/mo to cover his family of 4 when he started

Did you accidentally go to a local arts and crafts fair and not the RNC?


Half these guys look like they've never ridden a bike. I thought it would’ve been a more Specialized group.

It’s not racist, man. It depends on who is saying it. Obama just said it.

Old man yells at cloud...based gaming.

His Adam’s Apple is disgusting. When Ryan gets mad, it bobs up and down in the creepiest way. It’s like watching a snake competitively eat golf balls.

She’s clearly an amphibian!

If it was me. I’d give the pope: to the moon. All of the beauty and potential of humanity with none of the gameplay that he would struggle with.

Can Goku fight megatron on planet Ralfus? I can write erotic fan fiction.

The term ‘privilege’ doesn’t exist to shame people. You can be economically privileged as well. You can be culturally privileged. You can be educationally privileged. The term ‘privilege’ exists as short-hand for “you don’t know my experience well enough to lecture me on it”. A poor white person can’t adequately tell

You’re black? A video made you ashamed to be white a few months ago.

“It cost $300,000 and I have a driver.”

I didn’t say they lied about talking about celebrities. They are intellectually dishonest about their angle. If they said, “We are critical about celebrity culture but also want to crawl into their skin and live like them but also anyone else who feels like that is a sleazebag and we understand that we must engage in

It wants to condemn narcissism as well as celebrate it. It wants to expose out the horrors of the fashion industry, but it also thinks those horrors are sort of sexy. And, worst of all, it thinks it can get away with its own contradictions by telling us we’re missing the point.