
Dehumanization is, well, not a joke. This sort of stuff plays in with the increasing radicalization, including violent radicalization (different stages) of the far-right. Sending rhetoric signals like this promote dehumanization which is already exceedingly common on the far-right. This isn’t harmless. He’s sending a

EWG are shakedown artists along with similar groups like the Non-GMO Project. They create fear in the public and then will be happy to sell business the protection from that fear they just created in their cases labels that give them a seal of approval. You know they are not serious because they will label everything

Can you imagine if Hillary or Obama had done 1/10th of the stupid sense that Trump has done? Republicans would be calling for armed insurrection.

Hi. You must not live in America. We just elected Donald fucking Trump as president. Cheap, tacky, and overpriced is kinda our thing, sadly.

We officially can no longer be trusted to manage our own nostalgia

This isn’t censorship, this is one guy trying to defend a bad joke that has no basis in the original text. It even says outright that the original name is a pun on light switches. What in the hell do light switches have to do with a radicalized Christian terrorist group?

One guy here in Washington State said he wasn’t marching because he wanted to keep science free of politics and our Governor, Jay Inslee, called him personally to discuss it, pointing out that science exists in our real, politicized world. AWESOME.

The ideology is essentially this: “if we ignore the collective scientific evidence of global warming and other destructive human practices, we’re fucked as a species.”

I just got back from Detroit’s march, which was baby’s first protest! It was a big crowd. My beloved Rep. Brenda Lawrence gave a rousing speech, as did an activist from Flint who tied the day’s protests to the ongoing struggle for clean water in Flint.

The trilby is strong with this one...

I know you won’t post this comment, because you don’t believe in open discussion

That’s exactly what happens. The interpreter is usually off to the side of the stage and signs. It’s no different than having the subtitles above the stage at the opera.

I’m HOH, so much that living in the hearing world is so difficult sometimes that I don’t want to get out of bed. I was mainstreamed to read lips only. No sign. Thanks parents and teachers! I was raised to please your hearing world. I am sitting here with tears streaming down my eyes right now reading some of the

To be fair I’ve heard that one can find beauty in the eye of a Beholder.

Yep, same.

yep, Vizio.

I totally agree about the visual clutter. I was just thinking while watching the video that it felt like a desktop filled with popups and random icons all over the place.

As a longtime ally, I fucking love your goddamn community, too.

Mein Kampf had not been available in Germany since 1945. This edition is 2000 pages because it could only be sold fully annotated. But it’s been in the US for 90 years in its original, unexplained form - which is still illegal in Germany.

As far as I’m concerned: