
The more I read about the controversial decisions in this game’s development, the more compelled I am to buy it.

I saw it.

What you did there.

I think it’s going to be very difficult to explain to my wife why I’m playing a game as a naked woman.

It could’ve been a case where certain parts of the sprite sheet had to exist for every suit or there would be problems with incongruous memory mapping. Toad Mario could be an exception for this because he has a different body shape.

The BernieBros who are doing this shit aren’t Democrats. They were 16 year olds supporting Ron Paul 4 years ago.


Game Maker: “We have listened to fan complaints and have changes some aspects of our game accordingly.”

Marathons are all about race, bro.

That is because you are a low informed voter. You buy into tumblr and Twitter bullshit memes rather than actually reading about the candidates. Such armchair self-congratulatory LAZY outrage. HRC is a damn good liberal. A feminist history shattering Democrat for POTUS. If you fucking think she us evil or anything like

I was actually surprised Turtle and the GOP finally articulated what has been their strategy during Obama’s entire tenure:

The water actually was treated and was potable (well, not filled with lead) when it left the treatment center. The problem is that the MDEQ’s recommendations for anti-corrosives were flawed. Their suggested levels were adequate for a population Flint’s size, however, they did not take into account Flint’s