
Nope. The Church here is a giant bag of dicks for not being up in arms at the totally unjust treatment of this guy. Who cares whether he was an asshole? The church has power here to change the situation, and yet they do nothing. Followers of Christ my fucking asshole.

yes, mansplain more what a person who got money to do critical analysis of games should do with that money.

Duke Nukem 3D did it

St. Clair Shores is a GI-bill medium income suburb just outside of Detroit. St. Clair is about an hour and a half north of Detroit.

Yeah which is why you need to organize it so the entire workforce walks out if they say no. And if they replace the workforce you protest out in front every single day, bring in news crews, shame the fuck out of them for hiring scabs.

Sodium chloride is ‘a’ salt that contains chlorine. Person had it backwards maybe?

I thought the problem wasn’t constructing it so it was square to within modern tolerances, it’s that once you fill it with water it begins to do what concrete is supposed to do: expand or contract based on temperature and pressure.


I mean the two are basically equivalent.

I think it’s mostly the “cut funding for schools, cut funding for Medicare, cut funding for welfare, cut funding for roads, cut funding for education, and then cut taxes on the private companies who will take over these ventures and do it better we promise *wink*” part of the libertarian platform that gets liberals’

Yeah that's the rear gear shift cable. HOW THE FUCK DID IT GET WRAPPED AROUND THE GEAR HUB

How the fuck can you not navigate NYC’s subway system? It’s the easiest system I’ve been on (and I’ve been in tokyo’s... WHY IT IS A RING THAT JUST MEANS IM AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE FROM ANYWHERE I WANT TO BE

SF is barely passable without a car too!

Oh man. Then you only know three of the worst parts of NYC. Penn Station is a hell hole, Central Park is pretty in the fall and should be avoided at other times, and what the fuck is Park? Go to the Village, go to Brooklyn, go to Queens.

Sony decided to base their platform on a very powerful architecture that no one else, even the NSA (who looked at it because in theory it would solve some computational issues they had), bought because it was too difficult to dev for.

Wait... 99 legislatures...


Wait then what's the ultimate RPG experience? It sounds like I want to try that

If Gore was in office the false reports of Iraq building WMDs wouldn't have surfaced, also we would have had no reason to invade. We would've probably still invaded Afghanistan.

That’s cool. You’re not a huge fan of Clinton, so you’ll support a racist idiot who clearly has no idea what he is talking about, changes his views every few days, and has threaten to violate almost every right in the bill of rights.