
Get George Miller.

Let's hope there's a prison shanking in this DC Comics superhero film as well! Thanks Zack…you fuck!

Is it just me, or does he sound extremely drunk?

President Thomas J. Whitmore. 'nuff said.

Everyone's a critic…

I couldn't even finish reading the recap without throwing up in my mouth.

"From the director of District 9, District 9, and District 9, comes Alien…

George Lucas will be replaced by a scowling hologram of Hayden Christenson.

Children are so FAT today. Isn't there a way we can make money off that?!

Errors in this article:

Godzilla 3: Let's Get Silly

When will they put this show down like the old and rabid dog that it is?

2004 (I think) - Lord of the Rings: Return of the King for PS2. My brother, my dad, and I spent Christmas and the following days leveling up our characters to fight the Wraiths at the Black Gate.

Listen, I like Crash as much as the next guy. But compared to the stories that involve Super Mario, Zelda, Goldeneye, I just think Crash doesn't stand out among those.

In '97 (or maybe '98?) my brother and I got a Playstation with Tekken, Ridge Racer, and Crash Bandicoot.

The Xbox One is such an overreaching cluster f**k. I was watching Xbox's official "demo" of its features on my 360, and it seemed like nothing more than a box made to shove ads in my face, and try to extract money.

Look no further than Homeland. Those writers have crafted a well rounded interesting female lead. Compare Claire Dane's Carrie Mathison, to Anna Gunn's Skyler White, and you'll see the disparity of depth and characterization.