Get George Miller.
Get George Miller.
Let's hope there's a prison shanking in this DC Comics superhero film as well! Thanks Zack…you fuck!
Is it just me, or does he sound extremely drunk?
President Thomas J. Whitmore. 'nuff said.
This man's appendix is about to burst!
Everyone's a critic…
Fuck these shallow cash grabs! Watch the recut based on the events of the book. http://definitivehobbitcut….
I couldn't even finish reading the recap without throwing up in my mouth.
"From the director of District 9, District 9, and District 9, comes Alien…
George Lucas will be replaced by a scowling hologram of Hayden Christenson.
Children are so FAT today. Isn't there a way we can make money off that?!
Errors in this article:
Godzilla 3: Let's Get Silly
When will they put this show down like the old and rabid dog that it is?
2004 (I think) - Lord of the Rings: Return of the King for PS2. My brother, my dad, and I spent Christmas and the following days leveling up our characters to fight the Wraiths at the Black Gate.
Listen, I like Crash as much as the next guy. But compared to the stories that involve Super Mario, Zelda, Goldeneye, I just think Crash doesn't stand out among those.
In '97 (or maybe '98?) my brother and I got a Playstation with Tekken, Ridge Racer, and Crash Bandicoot.
Wired just did a review with the headline: "Xbox One Is Magical (When It Actually Works)"…
The Xbox One is such an overreaching cluster f**k. I was watching Xbox's official "demo" of its features on my 360, and it seemed like nothing more than a box made to shove ads in my face, and try to extract money.
Look no further than Homeland. Those writers have crafted a well rounded interesting female lead. Compare Claire Dane's Carrie Mathison, to Anna Gunn's Skyler White, and you'll see the disparity of depth and characterization.